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Imports OpenStack Aodh alarms into Sensu Core Server.


Via requirements file

$ pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

Via pipenv pipfile

$ pipenv install


Usage: aodh2sensu.py [options]

Imports OpenStack Aodh alarms into Sensu Core Server.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sensu-url URL       if not specified, defaults to localhost:4567
  • Run the aodh2sensu proxy. sensu_url must point to the sensu server. The proxy must be run in a server reachable from OpenStack controllers and with access to the Sensu Server (for example, the Sensu Server itself).

     $ ./aodh2sensu.py

    or alternatively via pipenv:

     $ pipenv shell
     $ ./aodh2sensu.py
  • Create an Aodh alarm from OpenStack side. This example alarm will trigger an HTTP POST message to the aodh2sensu proxy whenever the cpu utilization of $INSTANCE_ID goes above 20%:
     $ openstack alarm create \
     --name cpu_hi4 \
     --type gnocchi_resources_threshold \
     --description 'CPU High Average' \
     --metric cpu_util \
     --threshold 20.0 \
     --comparison-operator gt \
     --aggregation-method mean \
     --granularity 300 \
     --evaluation-periods 1 \
     --resource-type instance \
     --resource-id $INSTANCE_ID \
     --alarm-action 'http://x.y.z.w:50000' \
     --ok-action 'http://x.y.z.w:50000' \
     --insufficient-data-action 'http://x.y.z.w:50000'

    where x.y.z.w is the IP address of the server running aodh2sensu proxy.

  • Confirm the alarm transitions from insufficient_data state to ok state:
     $ openstack alarm list
     | alarm_id                             | type                                       | name           | state             | severity | enabled |
     | c466d832-cfce-4488-9726-c631800a36b1 | gnocchi_resources_threshold                | cpu_hi4        | ok                | low      | True    |
  • Generate load in the instance above the 20% threeshold, and wait for the alarm to transitition to alarm state:
     $ openstack alarm list
     | alarm_id                             | type                                       | name           | state             | severity | enabled |
     | c466d832-cfce-4488-9726-c631800a36b1 | gnocchi_resources_threshold                | cpu_hi4        | alarm             | low      | True    |
  • Check the alarm from the Uchiwa dashboard: Screenshot 1 of the Uchiwa dashboard Screenshoto 2 of the Uchiwa dashboard

  • Stop the load generation in the instance, wait for the alarm to transition back to ok state:
     $ openstack alarm list
     | alarm_id                             | type                                       | name           | state             | severity | enabled |
     | c466d832-cfce-4488-9726-c631800a36b1 | gnocchi_resources_threshold                | cpu_hi4        | ok                | low      | True    |
  • Check the new state of the sensu alert: Screenshot 3 of the Uchiwa dashboard

  • Confirm it has disappeared from the list of active alerts: Screenshot 4 of the Uchiwa dashboard


To build the image:

$ buildah build-using-dockerfile -t aodh2sensu .

To run the image:

$ podman run --name aodh2sensu --add-host="localhost:" -d -p 50000:50000 aodh2sensu

Pointing to a specific Sensu Server URL:

$ podman run --name aodh2sensu --add-host="localhost:" -d -p 50000:50000 -e SENSU_URL=x.y.z.w:p aodh2sensu

Check logs:

$ podman logs aodh2sensu


To run aodh2sensu as a systemd service.


# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/aodh2sensu.service
Description=aodh2sensu service




# cat ~/.config/systemd/user/aodh2sensu.service 
Description=aodh2sensu service via podman

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/rm -f /%t/%n-pid /%t/%n-cid
ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --conmon-pidfile  /%t/%n-pid  --cidfile /%t/%n-cid --add-host="localhost:" -d --name aodh2sensu -p 50000:50000 aodh2sensu
ExecStop=/usr/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/podman rm -f `cat /%t/%n-cid`"

